Changing the Countries Game (External Blog)

If it hasn’t become evident thus far, I am a sports nerd and I am quite certain this will not be my last sports related blog. Fortunately, for the validity of my blog, sports over the years have become less about the games being played, and instead are about the money being made.

Last December, us Canadians saw this take place right in front of our eyes. Rogers and the NHL closed a 12-year 5.2 billion dollar deal. Blogger Duane Rockerbie, attempts to explain how this was a wise move from the NHL, selling the Canadian TV rights in an “all or nothing auction”. I would have to disagree with Rockerbie. Hockey in Canada is a culture, and by monopolizing the industry the NHL will loose their fan connection. 60 years of Hockey Night In Canada is rapidly approaching its end, and Rogers will continue to make hockey a pay-per-view event by adding more channels.

Hockey is evolving in to a “rich person” sport. I believe over the next few years there will be a major rise in OHL and CHL demand, simply because the prices are so much lower. Smaller leagues also don’t have ongoing labour disputes, which the NHL has been struggling with over the last few years. For the NHL, these issues are the ones that could hurt them in the long run.

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