The Grocery Store Pirate

Anyone who frequently shops on west 4th avenue is familiar with Pirate Joe’s, for its amusing service and intriguing story. Owner, Mike Hallat, has become one of Vancouver’s most unique entrepreneurs. Pirate Joe’s is a small convenience store that stocks its shelves solely with the American brand “Trader Joe’s”.

Last year Trader Joe’s filed a lawsuit against Mr. Hallat claiming that his endeavours were illegal and harmed their company image. As any entrepreneur would, Mike fought for his business.  Thankfully, for the people of Vancouver, he won.

I am pleased to see a corporate giant lose to small business, for Hallat did nothing wrong. He purchased all of the products at retail price and supplied it in his own way. His character and ability as a salesman attracts people from far and wide, and his store is truly a benefit to the community. There are many Vancouverites who crave the variety of snacks he has to offer and he has fought hard to ensure those cravings are met.

The demand that Pirate Joe’s receives should serve as a wakeup call to its American counter part. Instead of spending time in court, they should consider opening stores in Canada.

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