Arc Initiative Blog

The United Nations is what gives hope to those in need. An international governing body to ensure the human rights of every person on this planet. Unfortunately, corruption often leads to ineffective services. United nations initiatives often provide immediate relief, but are some times unable to conquer the bigger problems associated. Both the Arc and other social enterprises provide a solution instead of simply a relief. Instead of stopping the bleeding momentarily, they will teach people how to prevent bleeding in the first place.

To put my analogy in context, we can look at Arielle Uwonkunda’s story. She is using her knowledge to help promote growth in her home country. Instead of simply funding entrepreneurs, she is investing her time and business knowledge to provide opportunities. The capital she is supplying is not just monetary; it comes in business experience too. This investment is due to payoff as now she has various entrepreneurs and businesses working under the Arc’s guidance.

Initiatives like this do more than just send care packages. They strengthen economies and build an infrastructures of success. The extra money in the economy may even allow for increased education and focus of personal health.

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