After reading a post from Kimberly Chung about how shopping at Best Buy, I would have to agree with her insight about how retailers place their products on their shelves and how customers appreciate the way they are categorized and organized to make it easier for them to find what they are looking for and to make their purchases. Granted a lot of the placement of products are strategically designed to try and get consumers to buy something they don’t really need only because it happened to be close to the product they were intending on buying. Nonetheless it still makes life a lot easier for the customer when they have something in mind that they’re looking for and be able to look for a big sign with its category and when they get to the aisle, be able to locate the desired product with ease and with no trouble and then purchase it. It saves a lot of time and hassle and most importantly the frustration of wandering through the entire store trying to locate something and searching through every section and asking every sales associate in site. Time is a valuable asset for all consumers and the fact that retailers have put in the effort to ensure that customers have a smooth and relaxed shopping experience really emphasizes the value based marketing concept that some many companies have taken on in this new generation of marketing.
you can read more interesting insights from Kimberly here:
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