About Us

Cayla Banman is an English Literature major with a Minor in Medieval Studies set to graduate May 2021. Her interests in English 372 stem from wanting to know more about Indigenous Canadian authors and how their work adds to the discussion of ongoing Indigenous issues. The topic of the Mythological Coyote sparked interest as the character is depicted differently from myth to myth, author to author, or storyteller to storyteller.

Holly Rance is a fourth year Creative Writing Major living on the unceded territory of the Syilx tmixʷ  people in West Kelowna. She has always been fascinated with stories, especially those that involve folklore that has been passed generation to generation. For Holly, her interest in taking English 372 stems from acknowledging the importance of the telling and hearing of different stories. The fluid nature of the myth of Coyote across various Indigenous narratives is an area of great interest for Holly to see how Coyote is represented to tell many stories.

Mia Nikoo is an English Literature major with a minor in Creative Writing, with a lifelong love for theatre and oral storytelling. She believes that human beings are a collection of stories. Her interests in ENGL 372 stems from the desire to further her understanding of oral storytelling, which forms connections between generations of storytellers. The mythology of Coyote, has been able to not only connect generations but also tell individual stories as the character of Coyote morphs through the voice of each storyteller and each stories version, coming to life in the storytellers image.