English 470: Canadian Literature Conference


Welcome to our Online Conference Webpage for English 470: Canadian Literature.  Here you can find our research on Neoliberalism and how its intersection with the World Wide Web is impacting and reshaping Canadian literature. Our primary inspiration is Herb Wyile’s article Neoliberalism and the Future of Canadian Literature which can be found in the journal, Canadian Literature. 

Our interest in this topic is two-fold. Firstly, a country’s market economy is a driving force in what is deemed “relevant” and “important” – Canada being no exception. Literature, as with any product created for consumers, is shaped by this factor that is increasingly being dominated by neoliberalist policies. Secondly, we are interested in this topic because the World Wide Web has become a driving force for changes in Literature. It is both shaped by the economy and provides a new platform for literature. We are interested in finding out how this fairly new technology combines with the economy in affecting literature in Canada. Take a look at our About Page to learn more!

We are looking forward to future discussions!

Maryam Baksh, Nicole Galloway, Julia Hofmann, and Courtney Lee


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