Canadian Literature: Parkinson Perspective

3:7 Alberta and Partnership, Contrasting with Queen Victoria’s Family

53, 65-67, 85-90, 124-125, 171-172, 367-369, 377, 412-413, 422-423 One of the great narratives present in Green Grass Running Water is Alberta’s story and perspective on domestic partnership, pregnancy, and parenting. Women are central to the origin story, each of the four ‘Indians’ are female, all women who fell from the sky and were ‘discovered’ by […]

3:5 Questioning the Start: Motif of Water and Defining Reality

(Response to Question 1) Each story connects to the foundational creation story, which involves the First Woman, Ahdamn, Coyote and ‘God’. King uses a circular way of storytelling, where the last statement from one storyline (section) connects to the following section. For example, “‘What else would you like to know?’ said the Lone Ranger” (King […]

3:2 Immigration Act of 1910 & White Civility

(Response to Question 2) According to Coleman, state legislation is based on nationalist ideology which in turn excludes certain groups of people who do not fit into that frame work. This would mean assimilation or else be excluded from the national dialogue. Coleman argues that this legislation excludes people of colour, or else purposefully works […]

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