How BP failed on contingency planning

One of the most well known oil company, BP (British Petrol) is suffering because of the crisis in the Gulf.  Nowadays, inside the company, managers are having hard times on coming with a good solution for the crisis. Day by day, the leak in the Gulf is spreading, and this means that damage on BP is also increasing. For this substantial topic, CEO of BP, Tony Hayward gave a panel, and he mentioned about the magnitude of the crisis. He also confessed that they underestimated the magnitude of the Gulf crisis, and later, he interpreted the situation in the Gulf as being “out of the loop”.

Gulf crisis is the most important issue for BP right now. It cannot be considered as an internal mistake in BP, it is now also regarded as an environmental disaster. Inside the coast places which are the most closest public areas in the gulf, are suffering from epidemic health diseases. People are complaining about health diseases and they are charging BP for those health issues.

According to results mentioned above, BP isn’t suffering just because of the leak of oil in the gulf, also company wounded very badly by creating an excessive amount of enviromental pollution around the gulf. Finally, these are all effecting BP’s brand image, and this will create a fatal wound on their sales. Briefly, this can be a great example for the importance of crisis management and contingency planning.

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