Rodrigo Rejas’s Blog post about IT systems and its relation to business opportunities took my attention towards the importance of Internet in business life. Nowadays, it is stated that 1 out of 4 people on earth is using internet. Furthermore, the most popular websites are social network sites and research engines such as, Facebook and Google. They have a massive mass communication system mostly formed via their users. Facebook has more than 500 million members and Google has 700 million daily visitors.[1] After these statistics, companies changed their marketing strategy, and started to concentrate on e-ads and webpages. Many companies formed their official page in Facebook where you can find basic informations about that company. For example, Nike has an official page in Facebook and company has 12 million viewers, who have to be the members of Facebook. This is a great opportunity to publish their news. This news includes recent products, company’s charity events, campaigns, discounts or promotions to encourage their customers to buy their products and follow the latest news. The best part is, company doesn’t have to invest huge amount of money to their advertisements. Also, 12 million viewers show the popularity of the page and the necessity of IT departments in companies.
