Acting Green = Competitive Advantage and Higher Returns

After CSR & Sustainability, I realized that nowadays, environmental strategy creates a big positive change in companies sales. Using eco friendly products and mentioning this feature in advertisements makes your company different among other competitive companies. Also Wesley Prahalad’s  “Wal-Mart Goes Green” article created an interest on me to write about companies which are supporting environmental actions.

One of the example for that type of company is Boeing. Boeing announced that, their new airplane model, Boeing Dreamliner is designed to cut fuel 20% which is a big innovation in airplane industry. Company says that, improvement and new features in engine technology is the major contributor. For the success of this project, company adds “nearly a two-generation jump”.

Company is anticipating higher revenues from this model. One of the key point for this prediction is, its eco friendly feature. 20% fuel efficiency makes airplane green and cuts the main percentage of the air pollution. Also, company calls this model; passenger-friendly. Its design with larger seats and windows attracts passengers on long flights. Furthermore, being fuel efficiency cuts the costs and can decrease price of tickets. Briefly, this innovative feature will raise the standards and expectations in airplane industry, and generate much higher revenues to Boeing.

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