A tiny bit of home

This post as special value to me, since I graduated High School in Denmark and Carlsberg is one of the Danish leading beer brands in the industry.


However this article is a perfect example of how external factors may affect a successful business. In this case the value of a domestic currency has had an effect on the profits made by the beer brewer, Carlsberg.

Carlsberg is strongly focused on Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Asia. Therefore Carlsberg is forced to operate in economies with different domestic currencies, specially in Eastern Europe and Asia.

Foreign currencies are not the only external macro-economic factor affecting Carlsberg. Inflation and current phase of the business cycle, in which the national economy is currently operating in, as also has a huge influence on consumer spendings.


These fluctuations in revenue, create uncertainty to the business. I personally recommend to expand further, possibly targeting North and South America, in order to decrease such profit fluctuations (even further). Overall, Carlsberg is an extremely successful corporation with huge potential, therefore I have no doubt of their success if this project is planned thoroughly.



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