You are not separate from Art
Reposition and see yourself from a Google-Maps view
“Existential Orientation”
You have to be at home
Feel within the world
Art is not an instrument to increase performance
Or produce objects and evidence of self-expression
“A person who has received education is…a human being with an altered outlook, a human being who exists differently in the world”
What if… We were teaching our students to be ego-centric and racist
If we let them simply “self-express”
The middle ground is between the world destructing and self destruction
A place of dialogue: to exist in the world is how we subject ourselves to the space, and what we encounter
Grown-ups learn how to work through, meet, select and reject desires
And Art can help interrupt, suspend and sustain the dialogue
(Free Verse written in response to: Gert Biesta’s Trying to be at home in the world: New parameters for art education)