Post-Secondary Diploma: Whats the Big Deal?

The demand for pursing a post-secondary education has risen enormously over the past decade. Thirty years ago, more students dropped out of high school and chose to work without pertaining any educational diploma but that has changed significantly. Why? The reason is simple: education didn’t make the same difference in a person’s life back in those days. But now without a post-secondary diploma, it is hard to even find a job that can sustain an ordinary life and paid off one’s daily expenses.

In Si Jia’s blog, she argues that “universities are not preparing students for the right occupation” which I strongly disagree with. Our University was never meant to prepare us for a specific occupation because half of the students don’t even know what they want to major in yet. Universities are suppose to provide us with the environment to learn, grow and expand our networks. We need this opportunity to strengthen ourselves with knowledge and the ability to solve problems on our own regardless of the occupation we pursue in. Just like the Input and Output model we learned in class, Sauder takes in inexperienced and eager learners, transforms the students by providing an influential environment, education and experience which then leads to an outcome of sophisticated and confident professionals who would be ready to challenge the competitive business world.


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