Don’t Give. Teach.

The world is too big for one to handle, together, we make this world a more desirable place to live. 

It is true that United Nations (UN) and social enterprise share common goals and strive to achieve the same optimal outcome. However, the objective of the two parties don’t actually overlap since the UN operates on a bigger scale and attempts to solve problems that are clearly displayed in black and white. On the other hand, social enterprise aspires to fill in the grayscale that the UN may not be able to cover due to the substantial number of issues calling for attention. Additionally, Arc Initiative aims to aid foreign individuals on a more personal level through sharing of knowledge and providing direct assistance rather than solely materialism.  As it is impossible for the UN to provide basic goods and services to all individuals, this is where social enterprise and the Arc give a lending hand by dedicating their time, love and wisdom to particular individuals who may only need a little support in order to succeed.

The United Nations can provide funds and make a difference in people’s lives immediately, but the bridges and connections Arc Initiative  successfully establishes in foreign countries will likely impact people’s lives more than money can alone in the long run.

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”   

Go Live Somewhere Else!


My English 12 teacher once asked, “Who wants to stay in Vancouver after graduation?”

We all did.  Frankly, most of us cannot afford living in Vancouver. Just as Calen and Kristine mentioned in their blogs, foreign investors have driven up the prices of the housing industry and caused tremendous stress to Vancourites.

However, I think that instead of charging an extra fee for the purchase of a new house, investors should be encouraged to rent out their empty houses at a lower price to Vancouverites who cannot afford local housing. In return, this would benefit local citizens as the supply of houses available for renting increases, and benefit the market as well as the investors as more money is spent in the Canadian economy. With the help of government regulation, this could be easily implemented over charging an additional fee since we have no right over someone else’s property.

Alternative solution: Go live somewhere else, explore new places and share the cultures and beliefs you own as a Vancouverite. Maybe you will fall in love with a city that you never imagined you would.

Vancouver is beautiful, but who is it to say if we haven’t seen the rest of the world?

It is Growing: The 93” Plush Bear

Costco Wholesale runs a different business model and successfully differentiates itself from its competitors. I was surprised that although Costco carries a large number of products, it never advertised. Well, not until the existence of this product: the 93” plush bear, which will be available in Early November. The contrast between the gigantic bear and the little girl in the video is inresistably adorable.

However, I am more curious to see what the sales of the bear would be at the end of November after months of marketing. Although $180 is reasonable for this size, I do see why customers would step away from this adorable plush bear.

The size may have attracted a lot of attention but it may also cause customers to reconsider their purchase since Costco also offers the plus bears in smaller sizes. The truth is, a 93” plush bear is a pain to carry around and a headache for parents when it comes around to cleaning and washing time.

There is a lot more to consider when purchasing an item than just the appearance because marketing is the expert of packaging. I would agree that this plush bear belongs in the Children’s s Hospital where it can bring happiness to sick and unhappy children.

This may look cool in the picture, but trust me, it is not in real life.


Taking It A Step Further

“Where can you find the most reliable financial information on a company like Coke?” My Professor asked in class.

The most useful information I found on Tesla came directly from its website. Not only does the website include general information on the company but it also has additional sections dedicated for blogs. One type of blog is specifically for the administrative staffs to update customers on the company and its new products. The other type of blog called Customer Stories is for sharing customer’s personal experience with Tesla.

For example, I found the blog, All Our Patent Belong To You, extremely helpful.

  1. The blog provides the most reliable and accurate information released because it is written by the CEO; or in other blogs by its administrative team.
  2. The blog is a marketing channel for the company because it updates the quickest and newest information. Customers are actively visiting the website for updates and reviews.
  3. Customers can comment below the blog for their opinion on the issue which creates a platform for customers to interact by agreeing or disagreeing; in this case to appreciate what the company does.


Disruptive Innovation: Water from the Atmosphere

Look around at what is bugging you, that is where you should begin your idea.

After looking through the coolest inventions of 2014 from the James Dyson Foundation Annual Awards, I had one question:

Can these inventions really achieve positive long-term changes or are they just ‘cool designs’ used to entertain us?

Inventions that are intended only to improve the existing problems by adding an additional layer of protection are unlikely to sustain a positive change in the long run. If the problems are not treated directly, over time, flaws will arise and complicate or worsen the current situation.

In comparison, disruptive innovations are powerful enough to spark a new trend, approach the problem in a different perspective and overcome the previous obstacles. The invention that enlightened me the most was the self-filling water bottle which was initially designed for cyclists. I would consider this one to be a disruptive innovation because the concept behind the invention could be make a significant difference in people’s lives. By collecting moisture from the air, this design has access to the unexploited freshwater in the atmosphere. Currently, the invention can collect half a litre of water in half an hour in a humid environment. With the help of professional research and experiments, we may have found the solution to the issue of inadequate water supply.

Government Striving for a Better “Relationship” with First Nations: Better Friends than Enemies

There has never been a fair deal between the government and the First Nations in Canadian history for rights, freedom, land or justice. The Indigenous people had no choice but to fight for their land to ensure that there would be no mining, no flooding and no commercial road building in their homes. The result of defending their “Aboriginal Wilderness Preserve” was a difficult, costly and time consuming battle which took a quarter of a century to win — only a more justice response.

This article spits out the truth about First Nations and environment issues that are often unrevealed by the media and industrial companies. The article warns the readers “Seek no great truths from them” which is certainly agreeable.

According to this news article, Supreme Court of Canada affirmed the Aboriginal rights and titles. The new partnership with the Natives would decrease the power and revenue of the Government since the First Nations would also be included in the decision making process. Also, the First Nations Chief has already requested for an expansion of revenue shares. Christy Clark expresses her view and replied that  “partnerships don’t mean we won’t have disagreements.” This new partnership with the First Nations is certainly a first step in improving the distorted relationship for the Government as a “relationship” is an important factor in any business canvas.


Post-Secondary Diploma: Whats the Big Deal?

The demand for pursing a post-secondary education has risen enormously over the past decade. Thirty years ago, more students dropped out of high school and chose to work without pertaining any educational diploma but that has changed significantly. Why? The reason is simple: education didn’t make the same difference in a person’s life back in those days. But now without a post-secondary diploma, it is hard to even find a job that can sustain an ordinary life and paid off one’s daily expenses.

In Si Jia’s blog, she argues that “universities are not preparing students for the right occupation” which I strongly disagree with. Our University was never meant to prepare us for a specific occupation because half of the students don’t even know what they want to major in yet. Universities are suppose to provide us with the environment to learn, grow and expand our networks. We need this opportunity to strengthen ourselves with knowledge and the ability to solve problems on our own regardless of the occupation we pursue in. Just like the Input and Output model we learned in class, Sauder takes in inexperienced and eager learners, transforms the students by providing an influential environment, education and experience which then leads to an outcome of sophisticated and confident professionals who would be ready to challenge the competitive business world.


Facebook Manipulating the Emotions of its Users

The latest news revealed that Facebook has been secretively manipulating the news feed of over 700 000 users to scrutinize users’ emotional outcome with either heartbreaking or heartwarming posts. As a Facebook user who merely and routinely updates news feed for new stories and events, Facebook has certainly violated users’ privacy and the business’s own ethical practices. Even the thought of such an action terrifies me regardless of its initial purpose.


The results from the experiment concluded that “emotions expressed by others on Facebook influence our own emotions.” In other words, the experiment may have mildly or severely affected users’ moods –which could also be expressed as playing with other people’s emotions. Facebook has implied consents from users but that is only because agreeing to its policy was mandatory in opening a new Facebook account. Therefore, these kinds of experiments should not be allowed without the users’ formal consent

There are many possibilities for Facebook to investigate the experiment with its users. This video by The Science of Happiness carries a similar purpose as Facebook’s experiment but has clearly implemented a more appropriate procedure in capturing and analyzing individuals’ moods and emotions.

Revealing the Truth: The Human Cost of Apple Products

When Professor David Silver questioned the class about problems with Apple products, this video I saw a while back, called “Who Pays the Price? The Human Price of Electronics” instantly flashed in my mind. Approximately 1.5 million workers in Apple’s supplier factories are exposed to benzene poisoning without proper training and equipment. This brings back the whole idea about business ethics and how companies often take advantage of the vulnerable people. So, how has this event not affected Apple’s reputation?

Apple does an amazing job at advertising their “business ethics” and their improvements on their website but new articles have proven that Apple has not taken the responsibility to change the situation.

The truth is, many Apple customers are actually unaware of this crisis and the consequences of benzene poisoning. Apple is a well-established company, and with the power and profit it has generated over the years, the company is definitely capable of ensuring that its suppliers are providing appropriate training and a safe environment for its suffering workers. It is Apple’s responsibility to ensure that its suppliers are manufacturing with safe substances to also guarantee the safety of its faithful customers.




Have you noticed that the prices of monthly phone plans of well-established companies like Rogers, Fido, Telus, etc. have risen drastically over the years? Fido’s cheapest monthly plan at  $35 with no data and limited minutes is competing against Moblicity’s $35 unlimited plan. Isn’t that crazy? How are the companies competing with such a big difference in their prices and offers?

After some research, I found out that Moblicity is in its falling stage toward bankruptcy. Telus has attempted three times to purchase the unstable company but the deal was turned down by our Government who claims to be supporting competition for the wireless industry. Then another question struck me: is the social responsibility of business to make profit? If Moblicity fell under Telus then the decrease in competition would give Telus, who is part of the Big Three, dominance to control the prices in the market. Over the years, Moblicity has provided many jobs to the industry, as well as benefited many Canadian customers with cheaper phone plans. However, if the Government is unable to stop the Telus and Mobility deal, are we moving toward the nightmare of monopoly?