Beauty How-Tube

Posted by: | February 10, 2011 | 1 Comment

During hours of procrastination and plain boredom, alot of females, like myself, will turn to popular sites like Youtube for some quick entertainment. A few years ago, I noticed a spike in videos that revolved around Makeup Tutorials. Amoung the most famous makeup gurus, according to youtube titles, is the Most Subscribed Guru of all time, Michelle Phan. The basics of these videos are that girls are teaching other girls how to look pretty. But what is important and relevant to marketing are the products that are being used in these videos. Michelle Phan alone has secured a job with Lancome because of her videos, she is also given a variety of beauty products from other brands such as Lise Watier, Body Shop, and a few others in order for her to use and try on during videos.

Why is this relevant? Because consumers are living in a world of google on the go, endless opinions and reviews about products and many means to get all this information. A luxury item like expensive makeup is typically not an impulse buy and therefore consumers will get seek opinions they trust and are familiar with.

Makeup brands recognize that this market that wants to learn more about the endless array of products before purchasing is vast and growing exponentially. What better place to appeal to these eager consumers than with online videos, which are basically free publicity? Michelle Phan’s videos rack up, up to 1 million views, and chances are if she raves about a product some girls are going to go out to buy it. These guru’s have a subscription base and these are the people that will trust the opinion of their favorite guru and purchase accordingly.

With expanding videos about makeup products, good and bad: it is easy to be tempted by the pretty faces on youtube to buy the products they use.


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