Interconnected media

Phones are not anymore used only to call, nowadays the cellphones have many uses, and the call has become old fashion.

Companies are getting used to all this new technologies and trends, that why every time more we are able to see different kind of marketing campaigns in all different of media, while TV commercials are becoming less effective, as they don’t impact as much as before.

Moreover, all the media is interconnected, phones, social media, commercials, shops… For example, you can go to a shop and in this shop the seller gives you a pamphlet where you can find the Facebook address and also you can find the QR code and enter to the website with your phone. Therefore, companies can reach you everywhere and can send you all the information they want at any point

A  good campaign that shows this interconnection is the one that Diesel did. The customer entered to the store to try on jeans and there was a little cartel with the QR code in every model of jeans, so the customer could scan with his/her phone the QR code and “tell his/her friend” that they like those jeans through Facebook (as the QR code was linked to facebook). In this case, if you “liked” a product, you got a discount on it, which seems like a fair exchange for basically advertising the item to all your Facebook friends.

Customer service through social media: What do you need to be efficient?

The customer servicethrough social media is a fact nowadays and the consumers expect the brands to respond through this media. Therefore is important to have some steps clear to have a great customer attention through the social media:

Clear objectives

First of all it is prominent to define what is your objective or goals that you want to reach with you customer attention, if you don’t have this issue established you will give an unprofessional image.

Develop a strategy

It is important to deign the guidelines of actuation, which start in the moment that you receive the question until after the moment that you provide the solution. In this strategy you should include everything: The type of conversation that you want to give, the time you want to wait before responding, which channels to use if the conversation with one person goes far away, etc…

Provide the economic resources needed

It is necessary to make an investment to have the enough personal and tools.

Have people to work on it

Nowadays there is people specialized in social media, people who have done some study about that as this new trend is getting bigger and more important.

Use useful tools

With the tools you will be able no analyze how is it going your Brand profile in the social networks, to notice if it has a high performance or not.

It is very useful to have tactics to work in the social media, customers are getting used to this new media very quickly and your company has to reach their expectations.

The new trends for 2013

The end of the year is getting closer, it is a period of time when everyone starts to think about the goals for next year and what we have to change. It is also the period of the year that companies start to think about how much they have sell, the projections for next year, what to improve, but also what are the threats and opportunities for the following year. For this reason I am writing about what trends should companies consider for 2013.


Appel has just launched the Mini Tablet, which probably will be the best seller this Christmas. There are also other companies, such as Samsung, Google and Microsoft that are promoting the same kind of items (Galaxy, Nexus 7 and surface). These new devices are becoming more popular and are gaining territory to the computers. So, what should companies do with this new trend? Consumers are changing the way of purchasing a product, the way of looking for it and the way of searching through the Internet. Therefore, companies have to be able to adapt.

Cloud computing

The e-mail is starting to get “old-fashioned”, nowadays users and companies are using every time more dropbox or google drive to work wherever you are. It is starting to be more popular to share and keep the information on-line, likewise you don’t have to worry about not carrying your pen-drive, breaking your HDD,…

Big Data

Nowadays it is very easy to know better your consumers and your target due to internet and social networks, so it is easier for the companies to get closer to their costumers. These social networks will continue to develop in the follower years, having costumers every time more les privacy and sharing more information with the brands.

Mobile Marketing

It is a big opportunity to companies to reach their target through customers phone, as this item has become a device that has multiple uses, and the most important: Internet.

Content Marketing

The marketing of content is the new publicity. The social networks are basically conversation.  “The brands need to act like editors”.

Social Company

The companies have found out that social networks are not only affecting the marketing of a company, they affect the business in general. It is a new way of making business.

Not everything is online

It is true that people are becoming online fans and that is the new big trend, but we shouldn’t forget the customers’ attention offline, as it is also very important. The challenge now is to know how to combine the Internet with the traditional ways of doing business and marketing.

Social Media and the new technologies will be an influence for this Christmas


The arrival of the new technologies have been a relief for the customers, thus this Christmas they will use more tan ever, as in this period of the year the lines in the shops are bigger and people go crazy for the Christmas shopping (Black friday in US). Therefore buying  and looking for promotions at home will be more comfortable.


Companies have to take to account this new trend and try to incentive the consumers through internet and social networks to buy their products, by launching deals, discounts and coupons in this new media. Every time more, clients rely more on blogs and social media profiles tan other media (like TV commercials or magazines). Moreover, these days are a good opportunity to engage more people to your social network profiles by doing good Christmas campaigns, as in this period of time people feel more relaxed and want to share their Christmas with others. For example, a good campaign that Sephora did through twitter was: “Dear @Sephora, all I want for the Holidays this year is….”, every day Sephora awarded a follower for twitting that.


Apart from using social media and internet, consumers will use their smartphones and tablets to purchase the presents for the holidays. The big advantage of these items is that the consumers don’t have to go to the shop; the only thing that they have to do is turn on the devise and  “click” to buy the product. According to Deloitte, the customers that own a Smartphone or a tablet will purchase a 72% more than the regular customers.


Is your company going to turn back to this huge opportunity?

Google shopping


Google has just announced that it will launch a new experience of Google Shopping in Australia, Brasil, Germany, Italy, Japan, France, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and in the UK. However, it will do it gradually to make sure that the shops have time to promote this new trend of shopping and also to guarantee that they get used to it.

By the beginning of the year, google will launch the first change in the google shopping application. The shoppers will be able to search what the want by writing the brand name and the product that. What is more, people will be able to see bigger images of the products. Google would like to have launched the other changes in the beginning of the second semester of 2013.

It is true that Google Shopping already exists internationally, but only as a basic shopping online website. With the new model the distribution of google shopping will be modified. The products will appear in a different order, depending on their relevance, Price and other functions.

This new service of google is already in the US and it allows the shoppers to make better searches of products, they also can make comparisons of the products with the prices and other elements. Furthermore, they can contact directly with the shop to make the purchase.

Google product search, the service that google had before, was very basic compared with other search pages, so google was very behind from its competence. With Google shopping google can be again in the top of the search product pages. The objective is to launch something that benefits the shoppers and also the sellers, and at the same time google it is beneficial for google too.

Small businesses entering in the social media world

Nowadays it is very easy to find successful social media strategies in big companies. If we think about some of them, it will quickly come to our minds big brands like Starbucks, Coca Cola and Heineken.

However it is more difficult to think about successful strategies with small business. Maybe we haven’t thought about them, but they are using social media too. Plenty of customers are using social media so that gives small business owners a lot of incentives to join in.

It is not easy thought for small companies to generate traffic to their network pages and create traffic and engagement, as they don’t have the Brand awareness that big international business have.

Connecting with customers is the most important reason for small companies to use social media. It is also a tool to give them visibility and self-promotion. Although small companies think that social media is very important, they don’t spend a lot of money on it, they think that it is very easy to use it and that you don’t need too put so much effort, but that’s wrong. For this reason some times small companies aren’t as successful in social media as the big companies.

However I have found a Spanish company that made a good social media strategy and it was successful. It is a Spanish shoe company called Victoria that now has a very large fan community and with a very high brand awareness outside of Spain. They did the following things:

1. They went slowly to build a good strategy:

They spent a few years exploring and learning the social media world and how it works. In the beginning they had only a corporative blog where they published the new products and give an image.

Its current priority is to move from the networks as a tool to raise awareness to get social media becomes a two-way communication channel.

2. They use each platform for different approaches

They have their corporative blog in two languages to communicate the different products and even. They also have a facebook page in two languages too (they can reach a major audience). The aim of the facebook page is to create a relationship with the customers. Furthermore, victoria also has a twitter account to be more attached with fashion prescribers and tendencies. It is important to have different channels do reach your audience, but it is also important to know the communication that you want to give in each media as the audience can be different.

3. They take care of the content and they adapt it

The content that they publish is about their products, fashion tendencies and promotions. As they have two different facebook pages they publish different promotions and campaigns, as the promotions aren’t the same in Spain as in the other countries, which depends on the season and the culture. Now between the two facebook pages, they have almost 80,000 fans, that is pretty much as they are a small company.

4. They have created a plan for the crisis

When they started with social media they were improvising if they had any critic or any complain. Now they have elaborated a plan depending on what the customer says. If it is someone complaining about a product that he has bought, the community manager responds to him saying what should he do in a respectful way.

Having social networks it is not everything; you have to know how to manage them, how to communicate to your audience and which social network fits better with your brand.


Be socialized and a buyer at the same time

Consumers have a bunch of information due to the Internet; they have so many data to analyze before purchasing a product or service. Nowadays there are so many brands to compare that they offer the same with different prices and different add values, so consumers have the opportunity to study deeply each product. There are also now different Internet engines that make this job easier for the buyers. There are so many pages that help you to make the best decision at the time of buying a product. One of the most known page is, which is a web site were you can find all kind of products classify by their category. You can enter in each category and find all the different products with all its prices, descriptions and stars (the value of the product). Like amazon it exists other web pages where you can compare different items before making the purchase, and every time more the volume of these new pages is bigger as consumers are using these sites more often.

I have found a very interesting comparison engine that mixes the comparison engine with the social activity. This web page is called SocialCompare, it is an innovative sharing community where you can make your own comparisons and you can share them with other people that are registered in the web page.  These other people can add items in your comparison or modify them (with your permission).

How does it work?

You as a user want to make a comparison between different brands of the same category. First of all you create a table with the different brands and in this same table you add in another column the qualities that you want for your product, thus you compare the different brands with the different qualities. Moreover, in the table you will add the pricing and other relevant information. Below you can see an example of how the table would look like:

With these comparisons other users that are looking for the same product as you can use the comparison to make a good decision in order to purchase the product. Other users can also add information, vote for the table that you have made and make comments.

In my opinion this comparison engine is different from the others and in some point more especial, as you can connect with different people and they can give their opinions. Furthermore, this site is proactive and customized as you make your own table and you set up the features that you like for the product that you finally will buy. Moreover, this webpage is also a tool for companies, they can see what people look for when they buy a product, what are their priorities and if they are price sensitive or not.

10 mistakes that you can’t make in the social media as a Brand

I have found a very useful article about social media and companies in a Spanish magazine. This article explains what are the mistakes that you shouldn’t do as a community manager in a company:


  1. Making posts only about your Brand: the social media is not an online magazine about your products. You must write interesting articles that may be useful for other people. Of course you can introduce new products and news about your brand but always with an interesting article behind.
  2. To include not descriptive links: when you include a link in your post you have to make sure that people will click in the link, so you must write a post which drive people to click the link.
  3. Delete the negative comments: It is true that the critics of people can underestimate your Brand, but it is also true that gives credibility to your profile. The critics are also an opportunity, as you can respond them and create engagement with the users.
  4. Not responding to your fans or followersà To create engagement you need to have a social network with fluent communication. If your fans ask questions or make some suggestions you must answer them.
  5. Not thanking your fans and followers: Saying thank you to your fans and being nice to them will increase their loyalty towards your Brand.
  6. Making understandable posts à People will reject your Facebook page or twitter if they don’t understand you.
  7. Not keeping updated your social network: Social media is the most immediate way to have new information, so your social network has to be always updated, if not people will unlike your pages.
  8. Abusing hashtags: Twitter is a good media to summarize information of your Brand and hashtags help you to classify this information better. But be careful with adding a lot of hashtags in one tweet.
  9. Not following your competitors: it is good to follow your competitors to see which are the best practices.
  10. Being in only two social networks: It is positive to have more tan two social networks for your Brand as you will be able to reach a bigger audience.


I think this advises could be very useful. Every time more there are more people connected to these social networks and companies should now how to communicate through them.

Why should companies be in social media?

Nowadays we are living an evolution in consumer behaviour, what I mean is that consumers have changed the way of purchasing a product or service, before they received a lot of information and inputs from brands, however now this have changed, while brands are sending all kind of inputs to improve their awareness, consumers are getting their own information of these brands from internet and social media. Consumers have now to listen to the brand but they have also to listen to other parties that talk about this Brand, which are other consumers making comments in the social media about their experience with the Brand, making videos and some critics sometimes. This fact scares the marketers a lot as it is very difficult to control what people say about your Brand in the internet. For this main reason all companies have to make the decision of being in the social media, what means having a Facebook page, twitter and other networks. Therefore they will be able to see what are the comments and respond to them, what it means, communicate with their consumers. On the one hand entering in the social media world is scary and sometimes is nebulous as there aren’t metrics that demonstrate the relation with social media and the growth in sales. On the other hand it is an opportunity. But why having your Brand in social media is such an opportunity?

Social Media enables targeted marketing response at individual touch points along the consumer decision journey by doing four main actions:

Monitoring: Analyze each moment what it is said about your Brand, so that enables you to know how is your Brand perceived and what consumers think about it.

Respond: Consumers can communicate with your Brand, so that means that you are able to respond all consumers’ questions. If the communication with the Brand and the consumers is fluent the engagement grows. Your objective with social media is to create traffic to your social network and a high engagement

Amplify:  Social media is a very useful tool to amplify your product or service making them an experience for the consumer. You have to create a good content for your Facebook page; you can make contests for the users and good campaigns that can become viral. You can also create forums where people can talk about the Brand and their experience. This can create a high loyalty and engagement.

Lead: It enables you to buzz through product launches, generate traffic and sales with offers and free samples and you can also solicit the consumer input after their purchase.

After doing this introduction about why CEOs have to think about the entrance to social media, I would like to share with you some facebook campaigns of the most known companies around the world. With these examples you can see clearly how social media can make your brand not only a brand but also a great experience. Consumers have a lot of choices; there are so many brands to evaluate so you must make yours unique, and social media gives you the chance to do that.

One of the campaigns that I liked the most when I saw the best 25 facebook campaigns was the KLM one, I think this one shows clearly what means converting your service to a new experience and something unique for the consumer. They transformed a simple flight to the opportunity to meet new people and have fun during it.

Search engines marketing services

Nowadays internet has become the fastest media format to reach your customers. People are getting more used to inernet and its benefits, so companies have to follow the trend. They need to have good web pages and they have to be constantly updated. Companies have to show a good image through the internet as almost  half of the consumers look for products via internet.  Not only this but, it is equally important to have a good position in the output of the search engines. That’s why I think it is a good idea to talk about search engines marketing services. There are companies that help your company to be in a good position depending on your target and your business, they help you to determine the best search and local strategy for the needs of your company.

One of the companies that I found is SCHIPUL the web marketing company. It offers different services like the pay per  click advertisement, which I think it is very useful, as it is a quick way to drive targeted traffic to your site. They also offers SEO and web analytics and site tracking. This is very useful too, with these analytics you can find out how people look for your products through internet (key words) and if you are in a good position or not. You can also learn a lot about your consumers and how they behave.  In my opinion, your marketing strategy can improve with all these analytics.

I just wanted mention these kind of companies as I think that in these days all entreprises need some support to promote its brand in the internet, as it is something very new and it’s developping very quickly.