Nowadays it is very easy to find successful social media strategies in big companies. If we think about some of them, it will quickly come to our minds big brands like Starbucks, Coca Cola and Heineken.
However it is more difficult to think about successful strategies with small business. Maybe we haven’t thought about them, but they are using social media too. Plenty of customers are using social media so that gives small business owners a lot of incentives to join in.
It is not easy thought for small companies to generate traffic to their network pages and create traffic and engagement, as they don’t have the Brand awareness that big international business have.
Connecting with customers is the most important reason for small companies to use social media. It is also a tool to give them visibility and self-promotion. Although small companies think that social media is very important, they don’t spend a lot of money on it, they think that it is very easy to use it and that you don’t need too put so much effort, but that’s wrong. For this reason some times small companies aren’t as successful in social media as the big companies.
However I have found a Spanish company that made a good social media strategy and it was successful. It is a Spanish shoe company called Victoria that now has a very large fan community and with a very high brand awareness outside of Spain. They did the following things:
1. They went slowly to build a good strategy:
They spent a few years exploring and learning the social media world and how it works. In the beginning they had only a corporative blog where they published the new products and give an image.
Its current priority is to move from the networks as a tool to raise awareness to get social media becomes a two-way communication channel.
2. They use each platform for different approaches
They have their corporative blog in two languages to communicate the different products and even. They also have a facebook page in two languages too (they can reach a major audience). The aim of the facebook page is to create a relationship with the customers. Furthermore, victoria also has a twitter account to be more attached with fashion prescribers and tendencies. It is important to have different channels do reach your audience, but it is also important to know the communication that you want to give in each media as the audience can be different.
3. They take care of the content and they adapt it
The content that they publish is about their products, fashion tendencies and promotions. As they have two different facebook pages they publish different promotions and campaigns, as the promotions aren’t the same in Spain as in the other countries, which depends on the season and the culture. Now between the two facebook pages, they have almost 80,000 fans, that is pretty much as they are a small company.
4. They have created a plan for the crisis
When they started with social media they were improvising if they had any critic or any complain. Now they have elaborated a plan depending on what the customer says. If it is someone complaining about a product that he has bought, the community manager responds to him saying what should he do in a respectful way.
Having social networks it is not everything; you have to know how to manage them, how to communicate to your audience and which social network fits better with your brand.