The customer servicethrough social media is a fact nowadays and the consumers expect the brands to respond through this media. Therefore is important to have some steps clear to have a great customer attention through the social media:
Clear objectives
First of all it is prominent to define what is your objective or goals that you want to reach with you customer attention, if you don’t have this issue established you will give an unprofessional image.
Develop a strategy
It is important to deign the guidelines of actuation, which start in the moment that you receive the question until after the moment that you provide the solution. In this strategy you should include everything: The type of conversation that you want to give, the time you want to wait before responding, which channels to use if the conversation with one person goes far away, etc…
Provide the economic resources needed
It is necessary to make an investment to have the enough personal and tools.
Have people to work on it
Nowadays there is people specialized in social media, people who have done some study about that as this new trend is getting bigger and more important.
Use useful tools
With the tools you will be able no analyze how is it going your Brand profile in the social networks, to notice if it has a high performance or not.
It is very useful to have tactics to work in the social media, customers are getting used to this new media very quickly and your company has to reach their expectations.