Hello to All!

Welcome to I guess what could be called my new blog home for the next few months. I must admit that calling a virtual space “home” has found new meaning for me in a world where our daily movement and activities have been so inhibited lately. I won’t go into much of an introduction as I’ve seen a few familiar faces in the course already (a warm greeting to you all) but to those I haven’t met yet-  Hello! I hope the MET journey has been as much an adventure for you as it has for me and that the next few months will be some of the best yet in the program.


I will admit that this course was never one I had planned on taking in the MET but life has taught me that the unplanned with its unexpected twists and turns often yields the most rewarding of experiences. I hope that will be the case for this course.

I will be completely out of my depth in this course as I have absolutely no social science background apart from what I have been exposed to in the MET (yes- I know nothing of linguistics, semantics etc.) but rather my background is in the physical sciences.

Either way, let the journey begin and let’s see where it takes me…

One Comment

  1. Love the gif! No fear about science, linguistics is just a science of language really… You’ll find the logic really intuitive 🙂
    Totally agree on the new world of virtual homes – interesting times we live in and learn from

    Glad to be in a course with you again!

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