Celebrity Social Entrepreneurship

In Rina’s post, she discusses about celebrity social entrepreneurship. For celebrities it is easier to start businesses and enterprises due to their “celebrity status” and recognition. And in the real world, this is often seen as personalities like Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton profit off their infamous status. However, there are other instances where this profit is maximized for the benefit of others; social enterprises. One of the prime examples as discussed in Rina’s blog post would be Jessica Alba.

As a celebrity with a broad fan base, Jessica Alba already has brand recognition not only nationally but in the international community as well. This article in particular intrigued me as I have two younger cousins and having babysat them I know the importance of having non-toxic products around them.

Not only is her initiative for the company, The Honest Company, genuine but it also has a core value which is the foremost important aspect of social entrepreneurship. In a fast developing, industrialized world, it is easy to forget how dangerous the little things can be; such as diapers and baby goods. Social entrepreneurs like Jessica Alba are generating profit but also establishing a message.

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