How long will face book last?

Nowadays having a Facebook account is similar to having an internet connection. The company is currently worth around $100 billion and has over a billion people with an account therefore it would be a wise decision to invest in such a company as it can reach a vast amount of clientele internationally, however how much longer will Facebook last? Similar to many trends nowadays empires rise and fall, other large companies such as Myspace and Blockbuster were extremely popular in the past however due to innovation and ever changing trends these companies became bankrupt. Lets say blockbuster, due to the fact that movie goers have been moving more towards online streaming and downloading of movies, the physical renting of DVD’s and tapes became obsolete and thus due to innovation the company became bankrupt. Therefore there may be a possibility that a certain innovation may make this financial giant obsolete in the foreseeable future.  Therefore analysis of the companies’ business in the future must be taken into consideration before more investment should be placed into the business. At the end of the day I personally believe that the life cycle of Facebook may still survive for the near future however it may be unreasonable to believe that Facebook may remain therefore many more generations to come.

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