Is Gas a Necessity or a Luxury?

The question of gas being a necessity vs. a luxury has always been a controversy. Some people believe that gas is a necessity and that they can not live without it, but others may argue that there are other possible ways of transit including buses, taxis, biking, or walking.

The government has taxed gas as though it was a luxury as apposed to a necessity even though most people use it as a necessity just like they would heating for a house. The gas companies set the gas prices as if it was a luxury as well which doesn’t seem fair when most people treat it as a necessity.

The article in “The New York Times” talks about how people buy less of other luxuries including clothing and technology but they will continue to buy gas even as the prices rise. Continuous buying as prices rise is a characteristic of a necessity not a luxury. Therefore, gas should be considered a necessity.

The Associated Press, The New York Times, Sept 28, 2012.

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