Mercedes-Benz Marketing Strategies Using Target Market

Mercedes-Benz knows their target market well. It is very important to have this knowledge because, from it, you can figure out how, where, and when to advertise.

Mercedes seems to have used their marketing strategies perfectly by promoting their product at events that their target market attend including, but not limited to, the Ryder Cup (a large golfing event in the United States), New York Fashion Week, and the 2012 Superbowl.

Mercedes recently entered into the football market by buying the naming rights to the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans (a football stadium). This was a great marketing strategy because the finals of the NFL known as the “Super Bowl” will be hosted in this facility. Seeing as 30 second advertisements during the Super Bowl are now selling for as much as $4 million, having your name in association with the Super Bowl is great publicity.

Mercedes seems to have a firm grasp on who their target market is, and is using this to their advantage by advertising in places that these people are most likely to notice.


Kurt Badenhausen, Mercedes-Benz Uses Football, Fashion and the Ryder Cup To Boost Its Brands, Forbes, September 28, 2012.

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