Aldo vs. Zara

Looking through the blog posts made by people in my Comm101 class I came across Gaby Hebert‘s blog. Her blog post called “These Boots Were Made for Profit” caught my attention and I felt like it could relate to our class on Supply Chain Management when we talked about the company Zara. In Gaby’s blog post she described the shoe store, Aldo, and how well they were doing as a Canadian company in the world market. I decided to relate this post to our class on Zara because of the inventory turnover ratio. Zara has a very quick turnover rate of about one week from design until the product is in stores. Aldo, on the other hand has a turnover rate of four times per year and a very long selection process. This long process can be good because it means that bad products do not get put into stores, but it can also cause some problems. These problems could arise because trends change quickly and if the company only changes their product every three months, they do not have a quick reaction time to changes in trends. It is great that Aldo is internationally known, but it could be better if they had a faster turnover.

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