Building a Business Culture

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Choosing a culture for your business is one of the most difficult decisions you have to make. In an article by Martin Zwilling I found on Forbes there was a description of 10 directions that an entrepreneur should use to create a good culture in his/ her business. Zwilling took these 10 directions from a book by Jim Stengel and some of the directions included setting your standards high, thinking like a winner, and training all the time. The reason why Zwilling brought up Apple in his article was because of their successful business and culture that goes along with the name “Apple”.

One of the 10 directions that specifically interest me was the one that was more specific to Apple and the legacy that Steve Jobs left on the company. It is important to leave a legacy and especially a good one. Everyone wants to be know for something so why not build a business to create your legacy? To create this, you need to have a goal and everyone in your business, including yourself, need to be working towards this goal. Steve Jobs was very successful at this and it is one of the reasons why Apple is such a successful company.

For more information on the 10 Ways to Build a Business Culture Like Apple visit the Forbes website.

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