Illegal Downloading will get you Jailed in Japan

On October 1st, Japan issued an anti-piracy legislation. An anti-downloading law which may result in up to a two year jail sentence for the Japanese. In other countries, users who upload copyrighted material online are the targets. Uploaders may end up with 10 years in prison and a 10 million yen ($128,300) fine.”This new legislation makes criminals of mere downloaders”.

The origin of this law derives from the Japanese music industry, which is in trouble. Their market for downloads shrank by 16% last year. The music industry did ‘intensive lobbying’ in order for Japan to approve this amendment.

Providing proof of illegal downloading will be their greatest challenge yet. Is viewing an infringing YouTube video illegal as well?

‘As reported in June, music rights groups including the Recording Industry Association of Japan say they have developed a system capable of automatically detecting unauthorized music uploads before they even hit the Internet.’ In order to accomplish that, they need to spy on Internet users’ connection. ‘That can only be achieved with the assistance of Internet service providers who would be asked to integrate the system deeply into their networks.’

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