Titanic 2


Clive Palmer, the 5th richest person in Australia, teams up with CSC Jinling Shipyard to build the Titanic 2, also known as the replica. This project is “a tribute to the spirit f the men and women who worked on the original titanic”. Clive Palmer is working with “a team of historical researchers to ensure the ship’s design is as close as possible to the original.” The replica is said to sail in 2016 from Britain to New York.

The original sinking of the Titanic killed more than 1,500 people. The Titanic sunk in the North Atlantic on April 15th, 1912.

Its 100th anniversary takes place this year and there are already dozens of events to reminisce those who perished. This proves how big of an impact the sinking was. Are consumers ready to set sail on another Titanic? The Titanic is associated with sinking. Many people are superstitious. This drives away many potential Asian consumers. Asians tend to be more superstitious. They have a small target market.

“Titanic II will be the ultimate in comfort and luxury with on-board gymnasiums and swimming pools, libraries, high-class restaurants and luxury cabins,” added Mr Palmer. Hopefully the additions are enough to convince potential consumers.

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