Once you have submitted 8 reflections, there is one final one that has to completed before your ‘Story of Leadership’ is complete.
This story captures your learning as you have participated in various experiences throughout your UBC Peer Programs involvement. Looking back over your goals and each of your reflections can illustrate transformative growth.
To complete this final reflection, spend some time going through your ‘Story of Leadership’ and respond to the following questions:
- Review the goals you made at the beginning of the program, have you accomplished these goals? Describe how this process has been, including challenges and successes encountered.
- Review all of the reflections that you have submitted, have your perspectives about yourself, others or being a student at UBC changed throughout the program, if at all? If so, how.
- How has your participation in this program contributed to your personal and professional growth?
- If you could talk to yourself at the start of this program, what advice would you give yourself?
Final submissions to complete your ‘Story of Leadership’ must be submitted by Friday March 28th, 2014 in order to receive your certificate of completion and award.
Once you have submitted your final reflection, please send an email to your peer program advisor letting them know that you have finished your ‘Story of Leadership’.