Monthly Archives: October 2014

Social Entrepreneurship Pays Off in Many Ways

I recently read an article published by the New York Times that really had a very strong impact on me. It told the story of  Justus Uwayesu, a young boy orphaned by the Rwandan genocide in 1994 who spent years … Continue reading

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First Nations Opposed to BC Hydro’s Site C Venture

Recently, BC Hydro has proposed the Site C Clean Energy Project, a dam and hydroelectric generating station which will be located on the Peace River in Northeastern BC. Unfortunately, like every new venture, there is a tradeoff. On one hand, … Continue reading

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Questions Raised Regarding Our Digital Libraries

I recently read a very interesting article on the CNBC website that asked the question: what will happen to our digital assets when we die? In a time when more and more entertainment companies are moving towards an online streaming … Continue reading

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Apple Pay Poses Threat to PayPal

Well, it look like Apple has done it again.  On September 9, they announced the launch of Apple Pay, an online payment service that I predict will transform the way we make payment transactions. Apple Pay is an innovative tap-to-pay … Continue reading

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