First Nations Opposed to BC Hydro’s Site C Venture

Recently, BC Hydro has proposed the Site C Clean Energy Project, a dam and hydroelectric generating station which will be located on the Peace River in Northeastern BC. Unfortunately, like every new venture, there is a tradeoff. On one hand, Site C would provide enough clean “energy to power the equivalent of about 450,000 homes per year”, but on the other hand the dam would also flood 83 kilometers of farmland and wildlife habitat. In addition, the project would negatively affect the fishing opportunities and traditional practices of the Saulteau and Blueberry River First Nations. So the debate at hand is whether or not BC Hydro should go through with the Site C project or not.

The issue has been brought up to the the Federal Government and the verdict is scheduled to be released on October 22nd. The First Nations are very confident that the project will be shut down, but I think that both sides of the argument should take a step back and take a look at how their actions will be impacting the majority of the population in both the short and long term. I believe that the Aboriginals should not ignore the benefits that Site C would bring to the area, and also the job opportunities that would be created, but I also think that BC Hydro should respect the land of the First Nations. I don’t think that they will be able to come up with a solution quickly, as this is not the first time that this issue has been brought up. But I strongly believe that the two parties should try and work together to collectively do what is best for the Province in a respectful manner, and analyze the pros and cons of their decisions.

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