Accomplishment Statements


Lab #3 Accomplishment Statement:

Utilised ArcGIS tools to illustrate the potential risks from a storm surge on Metro Vancouver and it’s roads, and low elevation areas within 1km of the shoreline. Also mapped out the risks to a newly planned hospital location in False Creek (St. Paul’s Hospital), as according to elevation. Obtained new skills such as select by attributes, buffer, intersect analysis tools, in order to effectively portray the dangers of a storm surge. As a result, 4 finalised maps were completed to depict it’s effects.

Lab #4 Accomplishment Statement:

Discovered the various classification methods – including those of manual breaks, natural breaks, standard deviation and equal interval, and it’s effect on data representation. Then, I applied those tools to visually illustrate how different classifications yield different maps on shelter costs and housing affordability in Metro Vancouver. Generating a comparative study between shelter costs in 2011-2016 and noted how they had shifted between the study periods. I also discovered the ways in organising, collecting and setting up data from open sources (specifically Statistics Canada for census data) on a project database, with compliance to rules and variables set out by the source. As well as how to add census information to an existing shapefile attribute stable – in this case, the Greater Vancouver shapefile as taken from G:Drive.

Lab #5 Accomplishment Statement:

Produced an Environmental Impact Assessment on the potential development risks in Garibaldi Resort (Squamish) – specifically on ungulate winter habitats and old growth management areas. Discovered how to collate, parse filter and refine open sourced data according to my intended study. Then, mined the data for quantitative analysis (i.e. merging/buffering project area to calculate affected ungulate winter habitats and indicating snowline elevation about 555m) and visually presented my findings in finalised maps for viewers.

To see the labs, please navigate to the bottom of the sidebar on the left.