Cool resources – three for this week


Story about the Ukrain’s export barriers and Egypt

This news talks about the Ukraine set an export barrier to protect their domestic suppliers, which would make their buyers, including Egypt suffer more in lack of suppliers. But in long trend, the Ukraine would lost the reputation and then they need to save themselves through a bigger lost. The article also sets the Russia as an example to prove this point. It is said that the price in Russia now hit the high post- Soviet, and the Russian need to keep their export amount stable even they suffer from drought or are predicted to be importer in next year.



“Top exporters’ grain stocks to fall to 17-year low”

It is a story about stocks of grains. It shows that the stock of main exporters of grains, such as Canada, Europe, and so on hit hte 17- year low. That would lead the supply of grains meet the tightest condition and up the price of grains. It also points out that the price of corn would be affected because of the lower production and the price of soybean would be lower because of the expectation of higher production. The grade of corn would be lower and soybean would be higher.


“Ontario to get worst of hurricane Sandy: Canadian Hurricane Centre (with video)”

Yesterday night, 8:o0 p.m., there was an alert for the earthquake in the ocean. And here is a report for hurricane. That means on the east coast should focus on the earthquake and the west coast need to pay attention to the typhoon and hurricane. This weather report may influence the food market. It may not affect the food market directly, but the cash market, the economic in North America would be affected. And because of the potential economy lost in society, the whole market price would go up. That would make the price more  complicated to predict.

And hope everyone notice the safety.

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