The Future Road – with technical analysis

The URL below is the Area chart of soybean in March, 2013.;&cancelstudy=&type=AREA

It comes from agrimoney – public side.

I confused in the soybean market of 2013, march. Since the price shows a downward trend, and hits the lowest support level. I would think that the price may go up because of lowest support level.  But the triangle shows it may continue to go down.


The URL below is the Area chart of soybean in March, 2013.;&cancelstudy=&type=AREA

It shows downward trend in couple of days, so I would continue to hold short in next week.


The URL below is the area chart of wheat in July,2013;&cancelstudy=&type=AREA

The price hits the support level and then goes down. But no other top or bottom to support the downward trend. Only use a common knowledge ” when price hits the top then may go down”. Thus I would stay for one or two days before make new contract.

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