What went right & Wrong

Ending balance this week:

Long on corn – loss 1250.00

Short on wheat – gain 612.50


The past week what I did right is to forget to offset my wheat short position at the first day. And then I realize it is profitable because of the dropping price of wheat and continue to obtain positive profit. So I choose to stay in the short position.


And because of suffering from the big loss in only one contract in previous weeks, I changed my strategy and tried to build up a hedge. I long a corn in the third day. However, the corn price continue to drop down this week. Thus I gain a loss in the long position again.


Also, because I made my decision at night on Vancouver time, all transactions would not be completed until next day. But the market changes every minute. So, after the internet set up in my new bedroom, I would like to make the investment on every morning. Hope that I could meet the market’s office hour in Chicago.


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