What went right/wrong

I would evaluate the past two weeks with a keyword as “lucky”.


The first week, I used three contracts – one is short on wheat, one is long on wheat, and one is short in soybean. At first, I check every day and realized things are good. Price for wheat went up so I lost some money, but not big and really small, and I also got some money, seemed bigger. I thought the price of wheat would fluctuate and use hedge could help me eliminate some risk. And the relatively stable price of soybean could help me lock some uncertainty level. I thought I could stay there for more profit. And later I was busy with midterm and thought there was a week off for blog entries. And weekend came, all trades are closed at weekend. So I just let them there without handle.


After midterms, I checked my account details and find there’s 1000 lost. Compared with the biggest lost I met in the third or fourth week – about 7000 dollars lost in only one week, I would think this lost is not bad and I was lucky enough.


Actually, after these lucky two weeks, I realized that hedging is a good option when I could not settle down my belief of the market. After I realized in the biggest lost week that the market could change faster than I imagined, I try to search more information to settle down my belief of price. But what we learn from the course – “future market is hard to predict” block me when I try to make a prediction. However, the agri-market looks like competitive market because large amount of goods, I would think if I could search more information, I could make some predictions for the market trends.


Whatever, thank god for lucky two weeks, and thank hedging for protecting me from big lost.

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