What went right/wrong

The key words for past week are: i) Thank God; ii) Thank Andrew.

I got the biggest profit since the first week of trade game during last week. I didn’t check my log on Friday because I needed to go back to my uncle’s house and helped prepare the weekend party. That was a busy day and Saturday is a happy day. And on Sunday I took three kids to attend the Remembrance Day Meeting. After I got back to campus and sat down to check my account, it’s already 2210 now.

What surprise me most is that I didn’t see lost in my Friday account email. I even think I misunderstanding and check my trading log.

Thank God, I had seven contract on the first day of last week and didn’t bankrupt. Thank God, I continued to hold the short contract on soybean of Jan, 13 for two weeks and still get profit. Thank God, my short contract on the same date of same commodity were both profitable. I would think that without reasonable forecast and held the same commodity on the same date contract would be so risky….

Thank Andrew. Because after his short lecture on Wed, I could check whether my strategies were reasonable or not. I realized that my long on corn and short on wheat of Jan, 13 would be wrong and non-profitable. Thus on Thursday morning, I have offset them when they were lost. And I checked the price on Thursday night– thanks to Andrew’s lecture, or I would lost more money.

I would follow the technical analysis next week. I tried to use it couple weeks ago but failed. I realized that is because my analysis was incorrect at that time after this week.

Thank God!

Thank Andrew!


8 thoughts on “What went right/wrong

  1. I like your blog. Your blog has humours in the sentence^_^ I think everybody like you is using technical analysis to support reasons. I also agree that soybean price will decrease. Thank you for sharing your technical analysis. I am going to use it next week blog~~ Good night~

    • Elly, thank you for the “humours”, I like this word because I think my blogs were boring before~~ ~><~ Soybean price would decrease is another reason I thank God.. Because soybean continue to decrease for about two weeks if I remember right...

    • I was so surprised that I get profit! All contract were profitable! I read the email for two times and make sure that each “gain/loss” began with numbers not “-“…
      >< I should really thank God coz I passed 4! My balance start with 4 not 3!!

  2. Hi Cathy!

    That’s great that despite our busy schedule, you could find a time to celebrate the Remembrance day with your uncle’s family.
    Also, it is good to hear that you could avoid losses; otherwise on Friday the grain prices went down significantly, especially soybeans they were at the record level since summer. I agree with you Andrew’s presentation on technical analysis was very useful. I am going to use some hints suggested by him and we have an assignment #5 in which the question 4 on the technical analysis. Thus, all together will assist us to enhance our understanding of the commodity market.

    Good luck and see you on Tuesday!

    • Oh~~no solver this week? I miss Mr. Solver Microsoft….He’s not romantic but….
      I could feel that we all together every-time when I stay with solver and crazy for him…

      I’m so surprised that I gain profit!!!!! All profitable!

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