What went wrong-Sept.23

The first trade ended in a total lost of 1237.5 dollars. That’s terrible in the first trade! I would think the main reason was I didn’t follow the latest news.


My first trade began at last Tuesday – long a corn, because I predict that the price would go up. If price would go up, then I could get profit.


On the first and second day after I made the trade, things went as I though. The first day, price went up to 773.75 dollars, and 782 dollars the following day. I obtained about 487.5 as a profit. However, on the third day, since I was busy with looking for place on campus, I didn’t check news and ignore my account. When the forth day, the end of the week, I received two margin calls in total, which means I had continuous lost in the third and fourth day.


The main reason for big lost, as I mentioned above, is to ignore and forget about the account. I didn’t follow the latest news and index. Just predict a long trend but forget about the fluctuation on short term price.


The other reason is that I ignore about portfolio. Random shock and uncertainty always exist, if I could invest a portfolio, such as long a corn and short a wheat if I predict that wheat price would drop down, the lost could be lower.


Anyway, the first week is a new “try”. Since I didn’t invest in future in my home country, how to find useful resources and how to define a portfolio are challenges. I would mark myself as 75 in the past-week trade. I made a lost, but know more about how to purchase a future, and, more important, obtain the first experience to receive a margin call. 😛

Classmates, thanks for your reading and comments! Hope for suggestions! 🙂

I would carry some of my things to my new bedroom, the following two blogs would come today. So busy this week….But finally, would come back normal…Bless!

2 thoughts on “What went wrong-Sept.23

  1. Trading isn’t easy. Especially trading futures. You have to be aware of the price movement almost all the time if you have contracts on your margin account. Now you know it, so hope your trading goes well. And please try to include more detailed comments on the gain/loss calculation and the equity balance. Thanks!

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