Blackberry Recovery or Rediscovery


It is no surprise that the latest iPhone 5 would beat Blackberry’s previous phone sales, with a toppling 5 million units sold in just one weekend. Now with its newest phone, BB10, delayed for at least a year, Blackberry is definitely lagging behind its competitors, Apple and Android. Even though Blackberry has its main feature, BBM, to attract customers, will it be enough to beat the sales of its competitors? Based on consumers’ interests, that is highly doubtful. With numerous Blackberry users switching to Apple and Android devices, the use of BBM will decrease dramatically. I myself have lost numerous BBM contacts with friends jumping ships to other devices. Furthermore, Whatsapp, a messaging app, is similar to BBM, but allows all smartphones to communicate with one another. Although, RIM’s BB10 might attract customers in Asia and Africa, since it is clearly struggling to compete with Apple and Android devices in the U.S., Blackberry still needs to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses to get close to its competitors’ success. Major changes like better apps, faster rebooting, and a front-camera are what consumers are looking for in a new Blackberry. Hopefully, Blackberry can make its comeback with the BB10 and that it’s worth the wait.

Source: Bloomberg News

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