Letter of Application

5023 Payne Street

Vancouver, BC V5R 4J5


Sept 20th, 2021


University of British Columbia

2329 West Mall

Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4

Attention: ENGL 301 Classmates


Subject: Recruiting teammates for a writing team


I am writing to find three classmates to form a writing team for ENGL 301 this semester. I am a 4th year Microbiology & Immunology undergraduate student at the University of British Columbia with professional interests in the field of viral pathology and public health. I believe that my background in research environments and previous professional experiences would make me an excellent candidate to join your writing team.


I recently finished an internship at Vancouver Prostate Centre where I worked both independently and collaboratively on several exciting developments in the field of oncology. By working closely with other lab members and actively participating in several projects, I was able to strengthen my teamwork skills and develop excellent time management and organizational abilities. I am well-versed in preparing scientific reports and proposals and have gained lots of writing experience through English courses and electives. Throughout my degree, I’ve worked in several professional settings, including as a private tutor and receptionist. These experiences have allowed me to develop strong verbal and written communication skills and familiarity with workplace communication. Furthermore, I am always dependable in terms of meeting deadlines, easy to reach online, and available for meetings any day of the week.


I am an enthusiastic and hard-working individual, and I am excited to collaborate with my classmates and learn from one another. My learning philosophy is that learning occurs through experience and it is important to be an active participant in your own learning. In this class, that likely means lots of writing and engaging with your peers, which I am excited to do. If you are interested in forming a team, please contact me at catherineyu5466@gmail.com or through the Canvas chat. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.



Catherine Yu

Encl. 301 Catherine Yu Application Letter

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