Time to Reflect: Final Self-Assessment Reflection

This term has flown by! I’m continuously shocked by how fast time passes. As my time at university comes to an end and graduation approaches, I am even more surprised at how quickly life moves past us. In this course, it was an awesome experience to look back and reflect on all the assignments I had completed in a few short months. From the Three Definitions assignment to compiling the Web Folio, I’ve gained experience in composing a variety of technical writing assignments and have added many skills to my writing arsenal. This blog post reflects on my strengths and weaknesses in this learning process and in my assignments as well as insight on how the skills I’ve acquired throughout my undergraduate degree could translate into my future career and educational goals.

Recommendation Letter Strengths and Weaknesses Examples - CLR

Strengths in my learning and assignments

I believe that one of my strengths in learning is my strong work ethic. Even as a child, I have always been driven by an internal motivation to succeed and put out the best work possible. This skill helped me be successful in this course by allowing me to consistently practice the writing strategies learned in this course and self-edit to produce the best work that I can. The peer reviews were incredibly helpful for me to learn from my teammates and receive constructive comments to continue to refine my writing. Their writing abilities and thoughtful insights propelled the success of our writing team and for that, I am grateful for their help.

Weaknesses in my learning and assignments

One of my weaknesses would be that I can overlook minor details when completing projects and assignments. I have an innate desire to jump directly into action and often go straight into completing the bulk of the assignment before taking the time to read over all the instructions. As a result, I might miss small details in tasks and assignments such as using APA citation instead of MLA citation. In this course, I made a conscious effort to read over the instructions more than once as each assignment had different criteria. Although I was largely successful this term, this is something that I am continuously working on and I hope to improve my attention for detail in the future.

The ten top skills for your future career - buywithheart.org

Translating my Skills and Strengths into Support for Future Career and Educational Goals

My skills and strengths as a student will support my future career and educational goals because I will demonstrate a strong work ethic and continue to put my best foot forward in whichever graduate degree program or career I end up working in. From this course, I have gained a variety of technical writing skills that will be directly applicable to my future career development. In job searching, I learned several tips on building a professional LinkedIn profile, resume, and cover letter that will highlight my academic and professional experiences and help my application stand out. Regardless of industry, having clear and concise written and technical communication is a valuable asset that is highly valued by employers.

Finally, I would like to thank my writing teammates and Dr. Paterson for an excellent term and all their help throughout the course. I wish you all the best!

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