Application Package

This is the application package prepared for potential employers. It includes a job posting, a cover letter, a resume, three requests for reference letter, and a link to my LinkedIn profile.

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Job Posting

The job posting is about an opening at NanoVation Therapeutics as a co-op formulations screening associate.

Link to Job Posting

Cover Letter

The cover letter is addressed to the hiring manager of the above position and highlights previous professional and academic experience that demonstrate my fit for the position.

Link to Cover Letter


The resume prepared for the above position focuses on previous employment and project experience with relevant personal information.

Link to Downloadable PDF Resume

Link to Online Resume

Three Requests for Reference Letters

Three requests for reference letters addressed to previous employers and professors who can speak to my fit for the above position.

Link to Reference Letter Requests

LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is a social networking platform for professionals to build a professional network and to assist in career development. Here is the link to my profile. Feel free to send a connection request!

Link to LinkedIn Account