Midterm Evaluation Choices

For my midterm evaluation, I have chosen “Questions of Orality,” “Home,” and “The Awareness of Susanna Moodie.” I picked “Questions of Orality” because it ended up being a very thought-provoking post as many of my fellow students commented on it. I also secretly enjoyed talking about my minor in Medieval Studies in context with this course. My next choice of “Home” is because in reading my fellow classmates’ stories, I became very aware of the complexity of what home is; how it shifts or remains stagnant depending on the individual’s history. It put into context the difficulty that some people have when it comes to defining their home. And finally, I chose “The Awareness of Susanna Moodie” because when analyzing the introduction to Roughing it in the Bush I almost couldn’t find a place to stop. I tried to say all that I wanted to say in as little words as I could so as not to become too long winded.

Links to my three choices:




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