
Back in February I posted the following:

In ETEC 532 I’ve been presented with the challenge of choosing a topic for the purpose of critically examining the use of technology in the arts. I have decided to continue working toward creating community in the online visual arts, dance, and drama courses I teach. I’ve already added forums, with leading questions to encourage discussion, and assignments that encourage collaboration and sharing such as wikis and glossaries, but I continue to look for new creative ways for students to work together to share and collaborate. What would happen if I created a course where learning occurs through stories? Instead of viewing art, perhaps listening to stories and seeing images about the artists and art will cause a greater level of curiosity and encourage students to share their own stories. Over the next few weeks I’ll be researching digital storytelling and exploring a variety of Web 2.0 tools my students and I can use to tell our stories.

During the weeks since, I’ve worked with a student to experience first hand what’s involved in helping learners create digital stories. I researched the educational advantages of creating digital stories, wrote a digital story literature review, and wrote a summary of the steps required to create a digital story.  I also created assessment tools and compiled resources that are meant to assist educators wishing to use digital stories for instruction or student assignments.

I’ve shared my work with you here and will continue to add and revise as I develop an online visual arts course centred on storytelling. If you have contributions to make to this digital storytelling project please include your comments and recommendations below.