
Excellent-4 Good-3 Satisfactory-2 Needs Improvement-1

Point of View

Establishes a purpose and maintains a clear focus. Establishes a purpose and maintains focus for most of the presentation. Occasional lapses in focus, but the purpose is clear. Lapses in focus or lack of focus lead to a presentation without a clear purpose.

Point of View

Clear who the intended audience is. The vocabulary, audio and graphics fit the target audience. Strong awareness of audience. Vocabulary, audio and graphics fit the target audience with few exceptions. Some awareness of audience. Occasional unexpected vocabulary, audio, or graphics. Limited awareness of the audience. Many inappropriate choices regarding content.

Dramatic Question

Engaging and thought-provoking. The story develops differently from initial expectations. Prompts discussion/ dialogue. Interesting and thought-provoking. The story develops differently from initial expectations. Few surprises. Expectations vary only slightly from realization. Predictable and uninteresting. Realization and expectation do not differ.

Emotional Content

Emotional dimension and storyline match. Emotional dimension and storyline closely match. Emotional dimension does not add to the storyline. Emotional dimension is absent or distracting.


Clear and audible voice throughout.
Clear and audible during 90-95% of the presentation. Conversational. Clear and audible during most of the presentation but some monotone. Clear and audible less than 75% of the time and/or monotone.


Music enhances the story line and invokes emotion. Music complements the story line and may invoke emotion. Music is not distracting but doesn’t contribute to the story line. Music is distracting or doesn’t contribute to the story line.


The story is succinct. Images create atmosphere. The story composition is good, although it is slightly long or lacks detail in one or two sections. The story needs more editing. It is too long or too short in more than one section. The story needs editing in order to be interesting. It is either too long or too short.


Rhythm is well suited to the story line and is engaging for the audience. Rhythm is relatively engaging for the audience. Occasionally mechanical, or lacking vitality but overall has a pleasing rhythm. Mechanical, lacks vitality and a pleasing rhythm.


All sources and contributors are credited. Either fully meets expectations or needs improvement. No source or contribution should be excluded. One or more sources or contributors are not credited.

adapted from: Matthews-DeNatale, G. (2008). Digital Storytelling Tips and Resources.

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