Digital storytelling overview for grades 10-12 students in an online visual arts course.
Objective – To encourage students to share a personally meaningful story through images, voice, music, and sounds.
Week 1 – orientation, introductions, ice-breakers, active listening.
Week 2 – overview of digital storytelling, view sample stories, sketch, journal, brainstorm, discuss ideas, ask & answer questions, select a partner with a similar interest.
Week 3 – discuss copyright, creative commons, review rubric for digital storytelling, pairs work together to select one story idea, write a script, and create a storyboard, journal, sketch, photograph, draw, paint, sculpt, etc.
Week 4 – small group critiques of script and storyboard, image development.
Week 5 – continue photographing, drawing, filming, save images, select music.
Week 6 – production work sessions, self and peer evaluations.
Week 7 – Digital storytelling festival.