No more litigation, it is time for talks

The Supreme Court of Canada made a decision favoring the First Nations. This decision could potential be the milestone between government and native people. In its ruling, the Supreme Court established that “Xeni Gwet’in people have title to 1,750 square kilometers of land west of Williams Lake.” In other words, Xeni Gwet’in people have the right to decide how the land will be used and use the land for economic benefit. This is an external factor because its not within the business control and it was an effort by part of the Xeni Gwet’in people and to a certain extent the Supreme Court. In my opinion, this is not necessarily a bad thing. Just as mentioned in the article, the Xeni Gwet’in people are interested in using their land for economic gains, but they want to establish that its their land ,and because its their land they want a say in how the land will be used, and a share of the benefits. 


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