What happened to HTC?

HTC, a cellphone manufacturer based in Taiwan, was once one of the leading smart phones manufacturers. Nowadays, however, due to various managerial decision failures and poor marketing strategy, sales and stock value plummeted, and net income have dropped yearly.

This issue caught my attention because few years ago HTC was awarded as the best corporation in Taiwan. However, nowadays in the Taiwanese media, news on HTC are usually negative, which includes plants shutting down or legal charges brought against HTC by other corporations, though the latter isn’t necessarily a bad thing because it could be that other foreign phone manufacturers perceive HTC as a threat. The issue of HTC because more interesting because Microsoft recently purchased Nokia, but at the same time the Taiwanese media was showing outcries by part of HTC employees wishing that Microsoft had bought HTC instead. With technology constantly changing there in no more sustainable economic advantage; it is all about transient advantage and constant changes. The main problem with HTC according to the article, which goes in line with what I perceive, is HTC’s inability to recognize the consumer’s gains and pains and try to match these needs using their product, or they are doing it in a really inefficient manner.



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