In this blog post, James touches upon the subject of organizational culture. In the blog post, he discusses many of the benefits to having a healthy organizational culture. And I agree with him, though fostering such culture can be costly the benefits will ultimately beat the cost. This is why companies like Google and Zappo thrive is because of such healthy organizational culture. In the long run, these companies enjoy lower turnover and the people working inside the companies are there because they enjoy and want to work for that companies, which leads to the companies success–passionate minds that work for the development and improvement of the company. The reason why a healthy organizational culture leads to higher performance ties back well with the concept of creating shared value, which we learned earlier this term. Creating shared value is defined as competitiveness of a company while at the same time improving the community and economy. In other words, these businesses try to improve their immediate society, which is in the office, and this ultimately leads to their better performance in the long run when compared to some of the competitors in the same field, but with a different organizational culture.

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