It’s all about the Benjamin’s

by Chris DeDecko

Starting Tuesday October 8th a new 100 USD bill will be going into circulation. This marks the the latest change for US currency. Why would the United States go through all the trouble of making amendments to the current bill? The answer is simple, the US 100’s are and some of the most  counterfeited bills in the world. There are so many of them in circulation that many Canadian establishments do not accept them at their stores.

The new bills have many changes to them. Most importantly a new security strip that is much harder to re-create. In addition to the security strip there is also a larger portrait of Benjamin Franklin. As well as, the rear of independence hall rather than the front.The average 100 USD bill usually lasts 15 years in circulation before ending back at the Federal reserve were it can be destroyed and new bills can be put into circulation around the globe. Initially the federal reserve has created 3.5 billion notes. There is about 1.15 Trillion $ in circulation around the world, with half to two thirds of it in 100$ notes. Therefore, these changes will help to prevent counterfeiting and control counterfeiting.