Microsoft Vs. Sony?

by Chris DeDecko

Both tech giants have announced the launch of a new gaming system this fall and as usual it will be a battle to see who can sell more consoles come Christmas time. Microsoft will be introducing the Xbox One which will retail for 500$ while Sony’s Ps4 will retail for 400$. This battle is going to be a close one, who do you think will come out on top?

For the first time Xbox is trying to diversify itself. It will still be trying to attract the average 18-25 year old gamer, however Microsoft is working to attract a broader target audience in order to sell its product. It aims to attract a yonger crowd with its all new and improved kinect integration. Xbox claims to have a gaming console that is… well not only for gamers. It provides a unique experience to anyone using the system. It has partnered up with companies such as Netflix and LastFM in order to bring the user an all in one experience.

On the other hand Sony and their all new Ps4 will be sticking to a mostly gaming audience. It has already been established that several famous gaming series will have better graphics on the Ps4. Besides better graphics there is also the cost. Sony has realized that their target market is not the rich but rather students and teenagers. By offering a gaming console that is superior in gaming quality at a lower price is certain to attract hardcore gamers.

It will be interesting to see which system is able to maintain their current customer base while expanding to new target markets. In my opinion, the Ps4 will do much better than the Xbox One. I have always been an Xbox fan, however the cost for the experience that you’re receiving just doesn’t quite add up to Sony and the Ps4. Either way, there will be a lot of happy children this winter!


Xbox One v. Ps4