Unit Three Reflection

As another unit ends and we get closer to the end of the term, I find it hard to believe how quickly time has gone by. Apparently, last week is NOT when I was writing out my letter of application to my now team members for this course.

For the Evan Crisp assignment, this was a good challenge to write him suggestions for editing without using imperative verbs. Writing with YOU-attitude was difficult to adjust to but helpful and effective. This concept has made me more aware even when texting friends and being mindful about how I say things to them. Additionally, writing the letter of bad news to U-Haul on my experience was almost a therapeutic exercise which put that memory to rest. I also must make a note to stop saying ‘it’ so frequently!

Writing out the formal report draft has been a process for me. My interview with the director of Athletics occurred much later as he was so busy and had to push back the conversation a couple times. I let that stress of not having an important part of my draft consume me and made me less motivated to get other information. Quite frankly, you would think the opposite would happen- where I would do as much as I can on my other sections while I am waiting for that final piece- but it did not. So unfortunately, my draft that I put together was not as completed as I had hoped. On a lighter note, I was very impressed by the amount of people who filled out my survey. Which is extremely exciting. However, based on the questions I asked in my survey and the conversation I had with Kavie (Athletics Director), I have been struggling to put the subject and ideas together into a flowing, coherent report. The assignment feels all over the place, but I am confident everything will come together in the end. Overall, this has been a fun experience and I am looking forward to sharing the final results of the report (and not having this stress anymore).

Critiquing Eugenia’s formal report draft was difficult. I think I struggled with this peer review the most. I believe she is a strong writer, and I doubted my abilities to provide helpful information for her report. I tried to focus on the grammatical errors and ask questions which would allow her to think about the findings of her report.

Other than that, I am looking forward to finishing my final projects and getting to see what the other students in this course will share. Though, writing these reflections have been my favourite part.

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